Sunday, December 03, 2006

We goin’ to the zoo, zoo, zoo

This past Saturday morning I had the blessing of getting to hang out with some really cool kids, parents, and volunteers at a zoo here in Moscow. A group children with disabilities (similar to the students I have in my own classroom back in so cal) and people that care about these kids get together for outings in parks around Moscow to provide relief for the parents, promote social awareness, and to serve the kids.

Oh, how my soul was refreshed to be a part of this! I miss my students and the special light they reflect in others. I had great conversations with people about the status of services for these kids in Russia as well as practical ideas of how they might be better served to live life more independently. Over the course of these past few months here, I have also been blessed to have been able to dream with students and friends whose heart is with these children.

Father, it brings warmth to my spirit and a smile to my face to see people’s hopes to change the system. I earnestly ask your guidance and blessing in these friends’ lives along with the children they so beautifully strive to serve. May You be glorified in all that is done here to seek justice!



Carole said...

Hey guys!

Don't want to get you too U.S.-focused before it's time, BUT we are also sending out Xmas cards and want to know where you'll be when you get back...any idea, yet?

By the way, this is my (Dave's) first ever blog comment as Carole talks me through it. whoa.

the Meyer-Rieth's

Anonymous said...


Loved the Raffi reference (if that's what it was), that song is now stuck my head for the rest of the day. Can't believe you guys will be back in the States so soon!

Makinzie said...

Josh. . .I was hoping someone would remember that.